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How To Keep Chickens
Living On The Inside Out
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How to keep chickens and produce eggs.
Amazing Eggs!
It is hard to believe that only 30 years ago, people were told that eggs were not healthy because of the cholesterol. Today, we know that they are one of the best foods you can eat for your health! Here are some things to know about the incredible egg:

1. Large eggs only have 75 calories, but pack 6g of protein as well as B2, B12, Vitamin D, zeaxanthin for better vision, and choline for improved memory. Both the yolk and the white have the same amount of protein.
2. Depending upon the breed, chickens can produce 250 to over 300 eggs each year!
3. Double yolks occur when a hen ovulates quickly in succesion. The most yolks found in one egg were 9!
4. The color of the yolk is determined by the hen's feed. One chef even feed hens red peppers to make the yolks a dark oranfe/red! The yolk color does not change the nutritional value of an egg.
5. You can tell whether an egg is stale or not by gently dropping it into a glass of water. If it sinks, it's fresh. If it floats, it's older.
6. All eggs in the store are hormone free.
7. White eggs are more popular with commercial farmers because the hens that produce them are smaller, making them more feed efficient.
8. Older eggs make the best hard boiled eggs.
9. Tradition says that the number of pleats in a chef's cap denote the number of ways they can cook eggs.
10. Eggs contain folate, which is thought by scientists to prevent congenital defects in pregnant women.

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Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more