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in a world where less means more
Living On The Inside Out - live2b3 ref: 2b3.035

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Activity & Adventure Holidays in Italy
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Consultative Referendum is a system of governance that allows the voting populace to decide on all key issues relating to policy, law, legislation, budgets and spending.
The role of government in this context is to collect and present proposals for change and approval from the general population, and to implement the necessary actions accordingly. Proposals for change would typically relate to the reform of law and legislation, whereas approvals would relate to budgets and spending. Proposals would allow for changes, additions and abolitions, and include issues regarding defence and military action.

For the complete policy description, visit principles of change in our live2b3 micro-site.


The most important reforms are described with full details of policy and financing in the section [ principles of change | A MANIFESTO FOR CHANGE ]. These reforms are absolutely necessary to initiate positive reform of our political systems. Policy in all areas of state involvement needs urgent attention but must be part of an ongoing process of consensual change through a system of direct democracy and consultative referendum.

Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more

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