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riviera earth communities 

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Living On The Inside Out
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There is no hierarchy, no politics, no violence - just regular people collaborating on local solutions.
If you're reading this, you most likely already know about the problems of our current times. We face threats to our health, food, water, energy, security, economy and community. When we hear about these problems from official sources, the solutions never involve everyday people. Instead we must trust the experts & authorities to solve the issues for us, whilst we support them with political participation and tax dollars.

Wouldn't you rather take matters into our own hands? The Freedom Cell Network invites you to do just that. Founded in 2016, the network is home to over 33,000 members and hundreds of Freedom Cells all around the world. Each Freedom Cell is a local, self-directed group of approximately 8 people. There is no hierarchy, no politics, no violence: just regular people collaborating on local solutions.

On the Freedom Cell Network website you can find local cells and members on a world map, direct message, organize events, trade, start your own cell and much more! All completely for free.

The @FreedomCellNetwork - taking matters into our own hands.

Freedom Cell Networks


The most important reforms are described with full details of policy and financing in the section [ principles of change | A MANIFESTO FOR CHANGE ]. These reforms are absolutely necessary to initiate positive reform of our political systems. Policy in all areas of state involvement needs urgent attention but must be part of an ongoing process of consensual change through a system of direct democracy and consultative referendum.

Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more