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Camp Mojo

in a world where less means more
Living On The Inside Out - live2b3 ref: 2b3.004

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Activity & Adventure Holidays in Italy
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There is no just reason in a sustainable economy for so many people to live without work and without hope.
The current high levels of unemployment suffered across the world is the result of gross incompetence and negligence at the highest levels of government. There is no justifiable economic or moral reason why we should inflict so much pain and hardship on our citizens.

For the complete policy description, visit principles of change in our live2b3 micro-site.


The most important reforms are described with full details of policy and financing in the section [ principles of change | A MANIFESTO FOR CHANGE ]. These reforms are absolutely necessary to initiate positive reform of our political systems. Policy in all areas of state involvement needs urgent attention but must be part of an ongoing process of consensual change through a system of direct democracy and consultative referendum.

Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more

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