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Escaping the 'matrix'
Living On The Inside Out
t  h  e     a  r  t     o  f     l  i  v  i  n  g     l  i  g  h  t  l  y     o  n     a     f  r  a  g  i  l  e     e  a  r  t  h

We all need to break the chains by which we are bound to modern day feudalism.
There are several things that have trapped us all in the matrix. Everything in the system is designed to put control over you via debts. To escape the matrix, we all need to break the chains by which we are bound to modern day feudalism.

- Get rid of your mortgage even if that means downsizing to a 'tiny home' of your own,
- Transition over time to an off-grid lifestyle and rid yourself of utility bills,
- Pay off any existing debts,
- Start your own local community micro farming initiative and set a goal for food independence,
- Create and participate in your local community FM2, the means by which we can trade.
- De-register from as many of the tentacles of state that you can.

This leaves us with just two light shackles that inhibit us from fully leaving the matrix: vehicle tax and insurance, and annual property tax to the local council. These are the hardest to break and will need the support of a large minority of 'awakened'.

Escaping the 'matrix'



Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more