Thinking about this, it durante really matter in the end. Our info pages have our known names and the email aliases currently use the same name. On the site like in our telegram channel we use our known names, public names as we all need to identify each other. The use of known name in the alias doesn't compromise your privacy since noone knows the email address it is forwarded to, which is the main issue, hiding our real contact details from stalkers, scammers and weirdos.... the alias can be changed as often as necessary Anyway, the alias name can be whatever you wish 👍 From: Mike Willett Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 11:45 AM To: Mike Willett Subject: FM2 PUBLIC NAMES There are 2 ways to identify your fellow traders, by using their public name or their public key. To make it easier for us all to obtain each others G1 account names when making our first few payments, go to your telegram account profile and update the name with your G1 public name. Your G1 public name can be updated in your G1 account profile. I have done this so when you go to the REC-FM2 group member list you will see "Mike Wallett" which is also my G1 public name, the name you can use to find me when using the Cesium App. The public name is different to your secret identifier which is needed for 'logging in' to the Cesium App. I have now created email aliases and subdomain page links to our ‘about me’ pages. I have created template pages for each of you so please visit the links and provide me with some content and a few photos to promote your trade offerings in our FM2. Please can you get this to me by the last Friday of August – thanks. It would be a good idea for all new members to provide content for their page as a condition of joining our community. In general, each ‘about me’ page requires a description of what they offer, a few photos to give interest and an email address to which emails sent to the member’s email address alias can be forwarded. Ardhan’s email alias is Ardhan’s ‘about me’ page subdomain is Hilary’s email alias is Hilary’s ‘about me’ page subdomain is Jeb’s email alias is Jeb’s ‘about me’ page subdomain is Laura’s email alias is Laura’s ‘about me’ page subdomain is My email alias is My ‘about me’ page subdomain is