There are several things that have trapped us all in the matrix. Everything in the system is designed to put control over you via debts. To escape the matrix, we all need to break the chains by which we are bound to modern day feudalism.
- Get rid of your mortgage even if that means downsizing to a 'tiny home' of your own,
- Transition over time to an off-grid lifestyle and rid yourself of utility bills,
- Pay off any existing debts,
- Start your own local community micro farming initiative and set a goal for food independence,
- Create and participate in your local community FM2, the means by which we can trade.
- De-register from as many of the tentacles of state that you can.
This leaves us with just two light shackles that inhibit us from fully leaving the matrix: vehicle tax and insurance, and annual property tax to the local council. These are the hardest to break and will need the support of a large minority of 'awakened'.
THE WORLD ORDER IN A NUTSHELL - a reminder to all.
- the Committee of 300, headed by the King of England, (but not as the sovereign, because the City of London is not part of the UK) controls the world economy via the City of London Corporation.
- the City of London Corporation is made up of 108 Livery Companies, the Worshipful Company of Fuellers and the Worshipful Company of Mercers are two of the most prominent.
- the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) controls the worldwide banking system including the Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank.
- the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank work to indebt developing nations making them subservient to the developed nations of the world. The Groups of 7, 20 and 30 act as financial regulators and middlemen servicing Central Banks and Investment Banks.
- these regulators are unelected and empower the Financial Terrorists at the expense of the masses. Finally, the Investment Banks and financial services corporations gamble with their clients' money with the reassurance that any losses will be paid by taxpayers.
"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
I have seen how badly they will fight to protect it, I have suffered, like many of you, how loved ones are willing to break all ties with you defending the same system that enslaves them. Like Neo said, people are not ready to be unplugged. But the question is, are we?
Taking the red pill doesn't automatically unplug you, it just allows you to 'see' with greater clarity, but it's a process that takes time. Time to assimilate, time to digest and time to shed.
Shed beliefs, shed habits, shed thoughts, shed people and ultimately shed the person you used to be.
It begins questioning some things and it ends questioning absolutely everything. You will believe nothing and everything at the same time, and the more you know, the more you will realise you know nothing.
You will begin to slowly detach yourself from all of it, like an actor that no longers wishes to play it's role in a production. You will want to walk away from it, to disconnect, to unplug. You don't want a 'role' in a play, you just want to be you, living your life, freely.
The matrix is a circus, an illusionary, extraodinary, all encompassing circus that has bewitched us from birth. The red pill makes you see it as the circus that it is, and so you are suddenly left on your own; shocked, bewildered, somewhat lost, isolated and having to create your new real reality by yourself.
A reality based on truth.
But what is true? What is there left when everything you thought was true is not? When deception is all you've known?
When you start asking yourself these questions, is when you are ready to unplug. It's when you find yourself building your reality from scratch by holding on to the only things you know in your soul to be true.
And what are those?
Everything that is not the matrix; it's the soil under your feet, the tree that gives you shade, the sun that warms your skin, the child that holds your hand, the dog that licks your face, the scent of the flowers in the yard, the birds that greet you in the morning, the song you wrote with your guitar, your mum's smile, the waves that come and go, your baby's laughter, a shared meal, a friend's hug, a slow dance, a summer's breeze, you and me...
If you are looking for truth, step out of the matrix, ignore the show, the lights, the whistles, the constant interference, the maddening noise, the fear, the insanity, the back and forth, the up and down, the 'they' and 'us', the black and white, the game, the trap, the nonsense, the lies, the illusion… and instead embrace what we were given, what we've always had, what will always be, what we all share; the frequency of God's creation: LOVE.
We don't win in the matrix...
The matrix is theirs, it's their creation, their web of distorted reality, their inverted system of control and so no matter how much we scream and shout within it, we will never win at their game.
We don't get to win within the matrix, it's impossible.
We only win when we stop playing, when we step out, when we don't engage, when we don't believe in it's fake reality, when we cease to feed it with our energy, when we no longer help create it, when instead we look towards our own future, when we dream of a better way, when we start talking about it, when we imagine the possibilities, when we start writing them, when we draw what it might look like, when we encourage others to believe in it, when we get together to discuss it, when we form communities to start giving it shape, when we share the vision, when we feel it coming our way, when we smile about it, when we share that energy, when we spread the excitement, when we feed the joy, when we shine our light and we share the LOVE.
That is how we win. There is no other way." - Laura Aboli
Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more
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