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FM2 and sovereignty
Living On The Inside Out
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Local community economies give us the power to live a more independent, sustainable life.
There are many benefits of a local community economy, the greatest of which is probably the power to strengthen personal and community sovereignty and provide the means for survival outside of the matrix.

- FM2 allows everyone to trade in their local economy,

- With a universal dividend everyone has enough money to buy essential food and supplies to survive,

- FM2 means no one needs to go hungry,

- This is the power of a FM2, creating money for the people and not for the banks to distribute as debt.

live2b3 with free money - the only viable path to a truly free society of sovereign individuals thriving in a comunity of creativity and need...

You might like to watch this 15 minute presentation of how the system works - one of the best we've come across. It's relevant to our community members as it presents the bigger picture and why we have to rethink from the grass roots up and create a whole new system.

"The ultimate goal of the network is to build the parallel systems capable of securing the freedom of community members for generations to come." - The Freedom Cell Network.

FM2 and Sovereignty


Living On The Inside Out
...where less means more