Name: Monnaie Libre - get an account Summary: How to get a Monnaie Libre account and start trading with Free Money. Description: This is a brief guide to getting your Free Money account so that you can join our community. If you need any help, just ask :)

Only through regular trade can we get full Monnaie Libre membership and become co-creators of G1s. The key is to actively trade - buying and selling in your local community.


1. Make sure to download and install the latest version of the Cesium App, v1.7.9 on your phone and/or your PC, available at 1. There is not a version for iOS but a browser extension for Safari or Brave that works for Macs,

2. Create an account: choose a long secret identity and password - at least 10 characters, upper and lowercase letters, a number and a symbol where possible,

3. Once you are 'logged in', save your revocation file either on your phone or PC, for me it only worked on my PC, at 'My Account ! Options ! Sign-in and security... ! Save a revocation file',

4. Save your credentials either on your phone or PC, for me it only worked on my PC, at 'My Account ! Options ! Sign-in and security… ! Save my credentials',

5. Read the 'monnaie Libre' licence and as much information as you can from the 'monnaie Libre' and Cesium sites,

6. Provide our community with your mobile number and you email so that everyone can communicate with each other, more importantly this enhances the 'web of trust' in our community,

7. G1s and Free Money, how it works - refer to our what, why and how section on our REC website at (REC - Free Money Market),

8. Install or update your Telegram App with the original uncensored version from 8., make sure to have your original password ready. The original version does not block comments on channels that are 'censored'. I installed the new version and did not uninstall the old one as I am not sure of the effect it may have on common storage areas that would be exposed to the possibility of deletion. Move the old icon to an unused folder/screen on your phone and ignore it. Both versions will still work if you for some reason can't find old data via the new App.

9. New participants will be given a nominal amount of G1s to start with, allowing them to attend our FM2s and trade. Selling is the key to building up funds and the way forward for all of us.

10. The 'pot' of money that we use to give G1s to new participants is a Cesium wallet funded by contributions made by full members who are co-creators of money and benefit from receipt of their regular Universal Dividends. To begin with, all full members agree to contribute 1% of their monthly dividend to this wallet. This means that with 10 full members we have 30 G1s per month available to give 15 new participants 2 G1s (200 spuds equivalent to 200 Euros) to start with. With 50 full members we have 150 G1s available for 75 new participants.

11. Buy and sell as much as you can with people in our local Free Money Market (FM2). You can do this as a non-member and builds up your history of participation in our FM2 and our 'web of trust',

12. For getting in contact with people in our community, we all need to choose a public name (more often than not the name we are known by) from which we can create your email alias and subdomain for personal info pages on our REC website. The use of your known name in the alias doesn't compromise your privacy since no one knows the email address it is forwarded to, which is the main issue, hiding our real contact details from stalkers, scammers, and weirdos.... aliases can be changed as often as necessary.


A. Anyone wishing to become a full member and participate in monetary co-creation must read, understand, and agree to the {G1 Currency Licence and Liability Commitment}. The licence is a summary of the rules to be followed in order to become a member of the web of trust.

B. Full membership of Monnaie Libre is dependent on actively trading with strict adherence to the principles of the web of trust.

C. Request membership in your Cesium App by going to 'My Account' then top right menu ('sign-in and security...') to request membership. It is very important to save the revocation file as this allows you to close an account for which you have forgotten the login details and reopen a new one without a 2-year wait !!, If the download of the revocation file on your phone doesn't work then do it via your PC, however in this situation the 'request membership' request should have executed correctly and confirmation can be seen on you 'My Account' page. You can always then download the revocation file, or later, on your PC as above in paragraph 2. Personally I would perform this step on a PC,

D. Request certification from at least 5 full members only after you have been actively trading with full and guest members for a period of at least 2 months - this is important in order to satisfy the web of trust,

E. If you have any doubts or apprehensions regarding the actions above, I am always available to help, you can even wait until we meet and go through the steps together.


Everyone can have an email alias and a subdomain page link to their individual 'about me' page. 'About Me' info pages promote your trade offerings in our FM2. A template page will be created for each new member and new participant should they wish. In general, each 'about me' page requires a description of what they offer, a few photos to give interest and an email address to which emails sent to the member's email address alias can be forwarded.

Our Community Services

Visit the 'community growers', 'community services' and 'community producers' pages for a full list of service providers and what they offer.