Name: FM2 - how to join
Summary: How to join and participate in our local Free Money Market.
Riviera Earth Communities
Some general information for those who wish to join and participate in our local Free Money Market. You'll need to know about why we are here, our vision for how it grows and the ethos of how to participate. If our community is to thrive and prosper then we need like-minded souls to make it work. You need some understanding of what's going on in the world today and you need a passion for freedom and liberty - personal and community sovereignty is the key for all of us to realise the person we wish to be. If you don't have this empathy you are most likely not suited to the goals of our community. If you sense so many things around us aren't right, if you feel just half awake with a curiousity to know more, then by joining us you may gain the strength and support to begin your personal journey in our brave new world. We do not wish to exclude but we need a shared vision of how things will work and progress. Everyone in the community needs to understand this.
Our 'parallel' economy shall begin as REC-FM2 (riviera earth community free money market) - that's FMM, F(Mx2) - FM2.
1. The currency we use is Free Money (Monnaie Libre). It is important to understand that Free Money is not simply a means of exchange, or a currency to trade, it is a model for a completely new financial system to replace the current corrupt system that is controlled by the banks.
2. is 'junes n spuds' like 'pounds n pence' and 'euros n cents',
3. The focus should be on balanced trade in our local community, whereby everyone pro-actively buys and sells,
4. We use our REC-FM2 Telegram channel as the primary point of access for everyone in our community to make contact, share initiatives and trade,
5. New members begin as guest members and are free to buy and sell, but do not receive a monthly 'stimulus' dividend,
6. After a certain period of trading in our community, guest members can become full members once they have become familiar with other members and satisfied the 'web of trust'. Full members receive the monthly 'stimulus' dividend,
7. Guest members are added to our REC-FM2 Telegram channel, alongside every full member,
8. This channel should be used as a place to post REC-FM2 info and events, and to post questions and answers, a place for us to build our community,
9. To embrace new ideas we are able to create 'topics' within our channel to encourage creativity and new initiatives that will help our community to grow,
10. Our FM2 will be based on the trading of goods, services and labour,
11. A 2-tier currency valuation strategy is needed to cover the trading opportinities of both guest and full members. It allows participants to attach an appropriate value to transactions. In the end, the value of each transaction is at the discretion and agreement of the 2 persons making the transaction,
12. For guest members, 1 spud is equivalent to 1 Euro.
13. For full members, 1 G1 (100 spuds) is equivalent to 1 Euro.
14. Trade with full members should be made using the rate of 1 G1 being equivalent to 1 Euro. Trade between quest members at 1 spud being equivalent to 1 Euro,
15. Guest members will be credited with 200 spuds on joining and have set up their Free Money account. We can help everyone to open their accounts and explain how to use them,
16. - 1 hr of labour is valued at 15 spuds, that's 0.15 Junes,
17. - 1kg of edible potatoes has a value of 3 spuds,
18. Once a month we can meet at our REC-FM2, crossed between a market and a car boot sale,
19. Only full members are co-creators of free money, that is they will all receive a daily dividend, currently around 11 Junes (330 Junes per month),
20. 'Stimulus Dividends' are important, as they create the stimulus for trade between our community members,
21. Every new member must behold similar values and understand the context and philosophy for creating a parallel economy,
22. Anyone can be recommended to become guest members but guest members must be endorsed by 5 full members to obtain full membership,
23. Every new member should provide content for their personal 'about me' page on our web-site and Telegram channel, so that everyone knows what services, produce and products they offer,
24. We aim to create a balanced community so that everyone has the means to buy and sell,
25. Everyone must understand the economic and personal sovereignty significance of 'free money' as a key to survive and escape the matrix - it is the means by which we can finally escape 'feudelism and create a social economic system for the people, by the people, on our beautiful planet earth,
26. If we need to discuss something, we can meet up and discuss at our monthly FM2, anything urgent, just contact me via the email address below or directly on our Telegram channel,
27. At every FM2, we can discuss how best to expand and grow our Free Money Market,
28. Our mission is to build our FM2 to the point where we have 100 full members (active traders). 100 is a lot but it is significant and follows the '100 monkey' law - once 100 monkeys began to regularly eat bananas they all ate bananas,
29. If at some point in the future the internet goes down then we have a plan to build a similar card based 'free money' system that doesn't require the internet, just solar power.
30. Additional Currency Info (as of 15.08.2023):
31. - 1 spud := 1 euro,
32. - 10 spuds := 10 euros,
33. - 100 spuds (1 June) : = 100 Euros),
34. - 1000 spuds (10 Junes) := 1000 euros,
35. Obviously, this is not an exchange rate table but a means to give guest members 'money' to experiment with, the means to visualise 'spending power',
36. An enduring currency valuation strategy for our community must facilitate trade between non-members and new members. Therefore, guest members (non-members) should trade with other guest members according to the valuation of 1 spud equals 1 euro, whereas every transaction with a full member is at the rate of 1 G1 equals 1 euro,
37. Trading by full members on par with the Euro allows them to make exchanges both inside and outside of our free money market,
38. Our free money market is a closed trading community when transacting in G1s and spuds and open when trading with Euros,
39. Since we are all in one way or another dependent on trade for and with Euros, it is recommended that all transactions in our Free Moneny Market are charged in the following way. The labour element can always be charged in G1s. Raw materials sourced from within our community can also be charged in G1s. Raw materials bought from external suppliers in Euros should be charged in Euros,
40. As a general rule when selling goods made with raw materials purchased in Euros, split the price so that the raw materials are charged in Euros and the labour costs in G1s,
41. Ultimately, the value of each transaction is set and agreed by those making the transaction,
42. The ethos of a healthy local economy is trade, buying and selling rather than save,
43. Everyone should focus on the things that they are good at and like to do, so that we maximise the 'fruits' of our efforts,
44. As a community, we must decide on the key produce and services that give our community food security and independence,
45. We should become a community of creative individuals that contribute in every way they can to build a community based on trust and sincerity rather than ego and self-interest.