We can help you build any of the following 4 off-grid power solutions;
1). 600Wh BASIC home lighting / charging systems, 2). 1.8kWh simple living KETTLE systems, 3). 4.7kWh small home FRIDGE systems, 4). 7.2kWh small home / workshop POWER systems,
Each system comes with appropriate solar PV panels, an MPPT charge controller, battery storage and a DC/AC inverter. Installation support included in the price.
BASIC systems: 6 x 1W LED bulbs (6h/day) plus 4 x 5W bulbs (4h/day) plus 2 x 11W bulbs (2h/day), plus device charging, KETTLE systems: BASIC system plus 1 x 1100W kettle on for 30 minutes a day, FRIDGE systems: KETTLE system plus 1 x fridge @ 50W average running 24/7, POWER systems: FRIDGE system plus 1 x 1500W power tool used for 5 hours a day.